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I can help you with the following topics:

Mental coaching:
I help you to get clarity of your inner wishes and guide you through a time of life transitions and instability, so that you can make the right decisions for you, work-wise and personally. My goal is to encourage you to follow your own path – in both your private and professional life. I am happy to be your guide on this path and your development. Let me be like your „safety buoy“ which guides you and swims along to provide stability and secures your forthcoming till eventually you can continue to swim out of your own strength.

Moving to Germany  - facing new tasks as an expatriate
You're moving to Germany or you already have moved? That's so exciting! You'll find yourself with everything new - new job, new workforce or suddenly being "just" the accompanying partner,  never- ending bureaucracy.
You'll experience an environment with a different cultural setting. Maybe this is not obvious at the first glance, as your country seems to be from a similar culture. This is when you experience the phases of culture shock. Many times the assignment company is not of a great help facing this situation, as it is a widely believed that posting itself is enough in terms of career assistance. With proven methods of change-management we will identify differences in society codes and develop an understanding of the different systems, so that you gain the capacity to switch with confidence.

Achieve and maintain mental health
- learn stress management strategies
- mental load: identifying, understanding and constructively structuring the mental load
  and to cope with it - especially in difficult life situations
- come back to your own centre

Employment law advice before and during an employment contract
- CV optimization
- joint development of motivational scripting and cover letter
- preparation of job interviews
- fact-based evaluation of opportunities and work environments as well as typical
  problems - work out solutions.
- support through the application process (legally compliant)

The first 100 days in a new job
- intercultural component in a working environment in Germany
- peculiarities in the collegial context in the work environment, in particular labour law
  special features (AGG, Equal Opportunities Act)
- de-escalation techniques
- learn ways to solve problems constructively (problem solving strategies)

Anti-burnout coaching ("Work-life balance") / resilience training
- dealing with conflicts constructively by learning some good communication rules in
  German-speaking countries (communication is always influenced by culture)
- prevent stress through good organization
- learn stress management strategies
- implement a structured way of working.
- develop resilience

Transition from working life to retirement
- avoid the emotional vacuum
- reorganization of everyday life
- develop new interests or revive old interests 
- accept the new phase of life positively

Work organization
- learn structure
- time management
- Set priorities
- remain effective even under stress and thereby protect your own health
- being able to set limits in a friendly but firm manner
- identify energy thieves

Mediation for interpersonal challenges (everyday work / private life)
- identifying conflicts
- recognize potential for conflict hidden beneath the obvious level
  ("iceberg model")
- development of solution steps with the help of conflict resolution strategies,
  compromises and respectful communication rules

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