Moving to another country is often attractive. It offers opportunities for personal development, learning new skills and often a better salary. However, there are many things you should consider before moving to Germany or any other country to work. I have listed a few of the things I think are most important:
1. Visa and work permit: Expats must ensure that they have a valid visa and work permit in order to work legally in Germany. Find out if you have to apply from outside of Germany, which is often the case.
2. Employment contract: Expats should ensure that their employment contract clearly and correctly sets out all relevant details such as employment conditions, remuneration, working hours and notice periods.
3. Taxes and social security: Expats need to find out about their tax and social security obligations in Germany, as these can vary depending on citizenship and residence status.
4. Application procedure for a job: What formalities must be observed? What requirements must a CV meet and what is the layout? What is the typical interview procedure in my country of choice?
5. What is the labour market situation like in my country of choice? Are my skills in demand there and will my qualifications be recognized?
6. Working conditions: Expats should ensure that their working conditions comply with German employment laws, particularly with regard to working time regulations, breaks and vacation entitlements.
7. Discrimination and equal treatment: Expats have the right to equal treatment in the workplace and should take action if they experience discrimination or harassment. First, however, it should be checked whether there really is discrimination here or whether there is a misunderstanding due to cultural differences.
8. Incapacity for work and health insurance: Expats should inform themselves about their rights and obligations in the event of incapacity for work and ensure that they have adequate health insurance.
9. Protection against dismissal: Expats should inform themselves about their rights in the event of dismissal and ensure that they are adequately protected.
It is advisable to find out about these labour law issues at an early stage and seek legal advice if necessary to avoid potential conflicts or misunderstandings.
I publish interesting questions about German employment law judgements on this blog regularly. If you need special advice tailored upon your individual case, don't hesitate to get in contact with me.
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