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Once more with feeling - partners of expatriates

Updated: Sep 16, 2024

When it comes to expatriates, the focus is often on those who relocate for work to boost their career, salary or experience. Expatriates are people who move to a new country to live and work for professional or personal reasons.

However, a large group of people are forgotten here - namely the partners who come with them. If the mental and practical support for the “main expatriate” is often very rudimentary, it is often completely lacking for the partners.

While the main focus is often on the professional challenges and adjustments of the expatriates, the partners also face a multitude of problems and challenges in connection with the adaptation and culture shock in a new country. Support and assistance are only provided - if at all - within the work context and on site at the company. Naturally, the partner does not go there.

However, the partners also go through the phases of culture shock and then the phases of reintegration shock when moving back to their home country and may even need more help than the “main person”, as the latter is integrated into a fixed work structure and therefore receives at least some support, interaction and assistance.

One of the biggest challenges for expatriate partners is often the lack of professional employment. Many partners have given up their own careers to accompany their partner and find it difficult to find a suitable job in a foreign country. This can lead to a feeling of uselessness and isolation.

partner holding hands in a foreign country
partner of expatriate supporting

In addition, cultural differences and language barriers can lead to severe culture shock. Everyday activities such as shopping, visiting the doctor or communicating with locals can suddenly become major obstacles. This can affect the partners' self-confidence and plunge them into a feeling of alienation and estrangement, which in turn can affect the relationship.

To overcome these problems, it is important that expatriate partners receive support. Local expat groups, language courses and mentors can help to settle into the new environment more quickly. It is also important that expatriates themselves involve their partners in the integration process and help them to feel comfortable in their new home.

Overall, adapting to a new country is a challenge for expatriate partners that should not be underestimated. However, with the right support from an experienced person to mentally coaching and guiding them for a while, they too can lead a fulfilling life abroad.

I regularly publish articles on the topics of “Living abroad”, “Living in Germany” and expatriates. If you would like to be coached on your individual path to make this phase in your life easier, please do not hesitate to contact me.

photo / source: own

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